Inside Climate: Global Shipping Inches Forward on Heavy Fuel Oil Ban in Arctic

The International Maritime Organization started work defining which fuels would be banned and how. It also listed ideas to cut black carbon but didn’t prioritize.
PPR6: Clean Arctic Alliance Hails Progress on Heavy Fuel Oil Ban But Warns Arctic Nations To Remain Focussed

As a meeting of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 6) closes today in London, the Clean Arctic Alliance welcome progress but calls on Arctic Nations Russia and Canada to step-up to their responsibilities and add their support for a ban on heavy fuel oil (HFO) from use by Arctic shipping, and for Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and the United States, who already support the ban, to remain focussed on ensuring it is adopted in 2021, and phased in by 2023
Video: Clean Arctic Alliance at IMO HQ – Pushing for a HFO Free Arctic

Watch: Members of the Clean Arctic Alliance team at the International Maritime Organization HQ, talking about working for a HFO Free Arctic, during the PPR6 meeting.