SDC 8-14-9 – Comments on SDC 8141 and text proposal for review of the 2014 Guidelines (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria et. al EU)
This document suggests some specific text for possible revision of the Guidelines for the reduction of underwater noise from commercial shipping to adverse impacts on marine life (MEPC.1/Circ.833). Additional text to premamble, baselining, implementation and monitoring, energy efficiency and URN, and suggests and annex to guidelines.
Business Green: IMO Climate Talks: UN shipping body takes action on black carbon, but refuses to revisit 2050 climate target
By Cecilia Keating on BusinessGreen, 26 November 2021: IMO Climate Talks: UN shipping body takes action on black carbon, but refuses to revisit 2050 climate target (Paywall, quotes Clean Arctic Alliance)
NGOs Welcome IMO Agreement to Cut Black Carbon Impacts on Arctic
The Clean Arctic Alliance today welcomed the adoption of an International Maritime Organization (IMO) resolution to cut the climate impacts of black carbon emissions by shipping on the Arctic, but expressed disappointment in the watering down of its substance in order to reach consensus and placate a small but vocal group of opposing countries.