Infographic: Scrubbers – A false solution to the IMO’s Sulphur Cap

Infographic: Scrubbers: a false solution to the IMO's Sulphur Cap


This infographic focuses on how the use of scrubbers have turned a global shipping’s air pollution problem into an ocean pollution problem, and why their use may conflict with UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea). This infographic also makes recommendations for actions states, industry and the IMO should take.

Download PDF: Infographic: Scrubbers: a false solution to the IMO’s Sulphur Cap

Infographic: Scrubbers - Inconsistencies with international marine environmental protection law

Download PDF: Infographic: Scrubbers: a false solution to the IMO’s Sulphur Cap



In Spanish: Scrubbers o sistemas de depuración de gases de escape: una falsa solución para cumplir con el límite de azufre de la OMI

Scrubbers o sistemas de depuración de gases de escape: una falsa solución para cumplir con el límite de azufre de la OMI

Incoherencias con la legislación internacional de protección del medio marino



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