Clean Arctic Alliance Briefing Note – 2025 UN Ocean Conference Prep Meeting July 2, 2024

UN Ocean Conference, Nice, 2025

Addressing the risks and challenges posed by shipping in the Arctic is imperative for the Arctic, biodiversity and global ocean health. The Clean Arctic Alliance urges the UN Ocean Conference to prioritize these issues and support international efforts for a cleaner, healthier Arctic and to prioritise the connections between Arctic shipping and ocean health to be included in the proposed Ocean Action Panels. 

Arctic Heavy Fuel Oil Ban Arctic States Must Drop Climate-Warming Loopholes

HFO ban infographic - are you ready?

As an International Maritime Organization (IMO) ban on the use and carriage heavy fuel oil (HFO) by Arctic shipping comes into force today, the Clean Arctic Alliance calls on IMO member states, particularly Arctic coastal countries, to implement the Arctic HFO ban and enforce it fully with immediate effect – without resorting to loopholes.

Everything You Need to Know About the July 1st Heavy Fuel Oil Ban

HFO ban infographic - are you ready?

On July 1st 2024, an International Maritime Organization (IMO) ban on the use and carriage of heavy fuel oil (HFO) by Arctic shipping will come into force. This web page brings together recent briefings, webinars, infographics, press releases and other articles regarding the ban, its strengths and weaknesses, and how it provides opportunities for Arctic countries and the shipping industry to ensure heavy fuel oil is no longer a part of Arctic shipping.