MEPC 77/9/1: The urgent need to address scrubber discharges

MEPC 77/9/1: The urgent need to address scrubber discharges

MEPC 77/9/1 1 October 2021

The urgent need to address scrubber discharges Submitted by FOEI, WWF, Pacific Environment and CSC

This document provides comments on documents MEPC 76/9/1 (ICES), MEPC 76/9/2 (Austria et al.) and MEPC 76/9/6 (Japan) and urges the Committee to approve the scope of work on scrubber discharges and identify zero-discharge areas, and require the work to be undertaken as a matter of urgency.

Download PDF: MEPC 77/9/1: The urgent need to address scrubber discharges