A Clear Pathway for Achieving Arctic Green Shipping Corridors

In May, Nordic climate and environment ministers signed an agreement to establish green corridors for emission-free shipping between ports in the Nordic Region. By cleaning up shipping in the region, this ambitious and progressive move has the potential to protect our air, our climate, our marine environment and the health of millions of people. This is why the Clean Arctic Alliance, made up of 20 international non-for-profit organisations, has now written to the ministers from Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands to propose a number of domestic and international actions which would help to rapidly kick-start the establishment of these green corridors in Arctic waters.
High North News: A Clear Pathway for Achieving Arctic Green Shipping Corridors

Op-ed, written by, Sian Prior, Lead Advisor to the Clean Arctic Alliance , Árni Finnsson, Iceland Nature Conservation Association (Náttúruverndarsamtök Íslands) and Kåre Press-Kristiansen, Grøn Omstilling (Green Transition Denmark), published on High North News, August 26th, 2022