MEPC 79/5/5: Amending MARPOL Annex VI to Reduce the Impact on the Arctic of Emissions of Black Carbon

MEPC 79-5-5 - Amending MARPOL Annex VI to Reduce the Impact on the Arctic of Emissions of Black Carbon


Submitted by FOEI, WWF, CSC, Pacific Environment, and Inuit Circumpolar Council

This document recalls MEPC’s commitment over eleven years ago at MEPC 62 to address the impact of Black Carbon emissions on the Arctic and outlines an approach to amend MARPOL Annex VI to incorporate a requirement for ships to only use marine distillate fuel or other cleaner alternative fuels or methods of propulsion that are safe for ships when operating in or near to the Arctic.

Download: MEPC 79-5-5 – Amending MARPOL Annex VI to Reduce the Impact on the Arctic of Emissions of Black Carbon

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