SDC 9/5: Report of the Correspondence Group on the Review of the Underwater Noise Guidelines

SDC 9-5 - Report of the Correspondence Group (Canada)

This document contains the report of the Correspondence Group on the Review of the Underwater Noise Guidelines.

  1. In 2014, MEPC 66 approved the Guidelines for the reduction of underwater noise from commercial shipping to address adverse impacts on marine life (MEPC.1/Circ.833), the “Guidelines”. The Guidelines were intended to provide general advice on the reduction of underwater radiated noise (URN) to designers, shipbuilders and ship operators and include information on how to reduce a ship’s underwater noise through design considerations and operational measures.
  2. In June 2021, MEPC 76 accepted the proposal from Australia, Canada and the United States to review the Guidelines and identify next steps to further prevent and reduce underwater radiated noise, and to encourage action. The issue was referred to the Ship Design and Construction (SDC) Sub-Committee for action.
  3. In January 2022, SDC 8 established a Working Group (WG) on underwater noise reduction from ships and instructed the WG to consider the various documents submitted in detail and to develop a workplan for further consideration by the Sub-Committee.
  4. The WG recommended the establishment of a Correspondence Group (CG) to the Sub-Committee to complete the review of the Guidelines and identify next steps in a timely manner. A proposed Terms of Reference (SDC 8/WP.8) was included.
  5. SDC 8 agreed to establish a Correspondence Group on the review of the Guidelines and identification of next steps, under the coordination of Canada (SDC 8/18, paragraph 14.28) and with the terms of reference as set out in paragraph 7.


Download: SDC 9-5 – Report of the Correspondence Group (Canada)

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