Webinar Video: Reducing black carbon emissions and other impacts from shipping on the Arctic (Pre PPR 10)

Download ICCT Presentation: Black carbon emissions from Arctic shipping: A Review of Main Emitters and Time Trends

What: Briefing the IMO’s PPR 10 (24-28 April)

When: Thursday, 13 April 2023

Who: International Council on Clean Transportation, Clean Arctic Alliance 

A Clean Arctic Alliance briefing ahead of the International Maritime Organization’s sub-committee on pollution prevention and response (PPR 10) taking place from 24-28 April 2023.

This online event focused on the IMO’s agenda to reduce the impact of shipping on the Arctic during PPR 10. Our guest speaker, Liudmila Osipova, Marine Researcher at the International Council on Clean Transportation, who presented research based on the latest data on black carbon emissions from ships sailing in and near the Arctic. Download Ms Osipova’s research here: Black carbon emissions from Arctic shipping: A Review of Main Emitters and Time Trends

During the webinar, the Clean Arctic Alliance explored the urgent action required to tackle increasing shipping emissions, as well as the need for ambitious outcomes at PPR 10 to reduce the impact of pollution from ships having an impact in the Arctic.


  • Liudmila Osipova, Marine Researcher, International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT): Black carbon emissions from shipping in the Arctic.
  • Andrew Dumbrille, Consultant, Clean Arctic Alliance: Views on a proposal to expand the definition of heavy fuel oil (HFO).
  • Closing comment from Clean Arctic Alliance: Perspective and aspirations for PPR 10.

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