Clean Arctic Alliance Briefing on Agenda Item 6 of PPR10: Reduction of the impact on the Arctic of Black Carbon Emissions from International Shipping

Clean Arctic Alliance Briefing on Agenda Item 6 of PPR10: Reduction of the impact on the Arctic of Black Carbon Emissions from International Shipping

Clean Arctic Alliance (CAA) asks:

  1. All papers including those submitted by eNGOs should be referred to a PPR 10 Working Group (WG) on air pollution for further consideration.
  2. The ToR for an air pollution WG should include consideration of BC control and regulation. (in addition to further development of BC guidelines and other air pollution issues)

CAA calls on:

  1. PPR 10 to recommend to MEPC 80 a proposal for a mandatory regulation of BC emissions through an amendment to MARPOL Annex VI to require ships operating in the Arctic to switch to distillate fuels.
  2. PPR 10 to support an appropriately broad definition of “the Arctic” to ensure that all BC emissions from the international shipping sector that impact the Arctic are addressed by BC measures.

Download PDF: Clean Arctic Alliance Briefing on Agenda Item 6 of PPR10: Reduction of the impact on the Arctic of Black Carbon Emissions from International Shipping