Tradewinds Green Seas Podcast: The Rise and Risk of Arctic Shipping Traffic

Tradewinds Podcast: The Rise and Risk of Arctic Shipping Traffic


Clean Arctic Alliance Lead Advisor Dr Sian Prior interviewed by Eric Priante Martin on audio edition of Green Seas, which explores the environmental consequences of shipping as the ‘frozen north’ thaws.

More ships and a wider variety of ships, including older vessels not built for ice, are transiting the Arctic as Russia looks to increase use of the Northern Sea Route.

But while this may be an opportunity for shipping, it also has significant environmental risks.

The Green Seas podcast explores them individually with Clean Arctic Alliance lead advisor Sian Prior and Margaret Williams, a senior fellow at Harvard University’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.

“Black carbon help melts the ice, which lets in the ships – and the ships bring more black carbon”

Listen to the podcast here: The Rise and Risk of Arctic Shipping Traffic

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