Clean Arctic Alliance at Arctic Circle: A Cleaner Future for Arctic Shipping

Clean Arctic Alliance at Arctic Circle: A Clean Future for Arctic Shipping

Please join the Iceland Nature Conservation Association and the Clean Arctic Alliance for a stimulating discussion on “A Cleaner Future for Arctic Shipping“, thought provoking presentations, refreshments and networking opportunity!

When: 1700-1900, Wednesday, 16 October, 2024

Where: Veröld – House of Vigdís, University of Iceland, Brynjólfsgata 1, 107 Reykjavík

Speakers include:

  • Arni Finnsson , Iceland Nature Conservation Association: Nordic Initiative
  • Inge Relph, Global Choices: Central Arctic Moratorium
  • Margaret Williams, Arctic Initiative, Harvard University Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs: Shipping on the Northern Sea Route
  • Jim Gamble, Pacific Environment:The Arctic, black carbon and shipping
  • Inuit Circumpolar Council (TBC)
  • Sian Prior, Clean Arctic Alliance: Arctic Green Corridors
  • Vicki Lee Wallgren, WWF Arctic Program: Mapping HFO threats in the Arctic

For more info, or to register, contact: [email protected]

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